Friday, April 6, 2012

Today I will...

 I will allow the ceaseless grace of the divine to carry me.
I will rest upon the winds of fate.
I will have faith.
I will not resist reality.
I will trust.
I will embrace my imperfections.
I will face fear.
I will encourage.
I will smile because my heart is glad.
I will be grateful.
I will forgive.
I will share.
I will see the perfection in all things.
I will believe.
I will greet the day with open arms.
I will be compassionate.
I will connect with others.
I will love unconditionally.
I will be myself.
I will be proud of my efforts.
I will laugh.
I will dance.
I will cry joyful tears.
I will remember what truly matters.
I will remind you.

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