It takes a great deal of courage to find the strength to be vulnerable.
We often live behind a front of invulnerability and pretend as though we are impervious. We suffer from an unrealistic need to be self sufficient to such an extent as to need nothing from others. This is an unnatural state of being, and as such, it is ultimately impossible to sustain. Human beings are creatures designed to rely upon the relationship and dynamic power of connectivity. The ego’s tendency to convince us that we must “go it alone” or “handle it ourselves” is its shrewd way of manipulating and controlling our spirit. Our spirit’s true purpose is to realize its divine potential, to recognize our own limitless depth of possibility. True vulnerability is the key to this mystical door, opening our hearts to give and receive love. Admitting and embracing our own vulnerability is not easy. It challenges all that we’ve been taught about self-preservation. However, the strength gained by this type of awareness is profound. It releases you from the egoic prison in which you are now a hostage. How much pain and suffering could be prevented if we simply accepted that fact that we all need each other?
When we are hurting or feeling insecure, we see it as a character flaw, a weakness to overcome. This is not defect. This is our most amazing ability. This is an opportunity to move beyond the limited perspective of the ego and to have a truly powerful interaction with the universe. In this life, there is no one thing more remarkable than human connection. No other force known to man can accomplish so much with so little effort. The potential for unlimited magnificence lies right before our eyes, in the simplest of interactions between human beings.
We see vulnerability in babies and children, and we are intrinsically drawn to their liveliness, inspired despite ourselves, to soak up the pure energy exchange that is so inherent to their very nature. We recognize that need for others and accept it fully as a rite of passage into adulthood. Somewhere along the way we become convinced by our own ego that we should not need others, that if we are fully developed we will be able to stand on our own and should not require others to feel contentment. This is a grave misgiving. We should take a cue from the innocence that graces our world and recognize the joy and beauty that exists within the intimate connection between people.
We are social creatures, intended to work together in an intricate pattern of connections. We must be brave enough to embrace our true potential. We must declare our own nature and recognize the power that lies hidden in our own ability to love and be loved.