Monday, April 23, 2012


I thought I would write tonight, but alas I cannot muster the effort to speak eloquently or even remotely intelligently. I feel tired and drained and less than inspired. And so that means I won’t. I won’t suffer us all to sit through a forced bunch of b.s. that may or may not have a logical and/or valid point.

Instead I will continue waiting (not so) patiently for my inner muse to return and my thoughts to find their voice. Somehow I am regrouping. Like a planted seed I will sprout again… Grow, blossom, nourish, wilt, shed, spread seed, die and be reborn through the process of cultivation.

For now, I rest in the depth of my heart’s dank rich soil; feeling myself breaking open slowly, as the warmth of love’s light incubates and the cool, clear water of awareness trickles down to reach me. Watch carefully, for any day now a tender green shoot of wisdom will burst forth and reach out to touch the world.


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