Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year!

Well, here we go again. A brand new year, full of fresh starts and resolutions. Brimming with promise and possibility. What will you do with it? Will you make the most of this time?
I won’t resolve to make any changes; resolutions are easily forgotten and lost to the spirit of lax. Aspirations, however, are of a different caliber. Their power is kept even when they are not being held in central focus. Aspirations are always promising, always encouraging, always aspiring to bring our ideals to life.
This year I aspire to:
 Share my truth with as many people as I can reach.
Laugh, smile, sing, hug, listen, and feel more.
Trust the universe and allow life to complete its plan for me.
Be an active participant in my life and not fall prey to victim consciousness.
Appreciate the human experience.
Notice the tenderness and unlimited potential of which we are all capable.
Be a bringer of peace and comfort in anyway that I can.
Relish the moments of my life while they happen.
Honor my spirit and listen to my soft inner voice that all too often gets drowned out by ego and fear.
Practice patience, kindness, honesty, and boundless gratitude in all that I do.
Show greater compassion, empathy, forgiveness, support, and understanding not only for others, but also for myself.
Love more than ever before.
But mostly, as this New Year dawns, and I watch the sun rise on a new day in my life; I aspire to inspire. To inspire you to create your own aspirations. To do all of this and more. To recognize (in the incredibly wise words of a bumper sticker) that this is not a rehearsal people! This is your life, good, bad, and indifferent. Let’s aspire to be more, know more, do more with our time here. Let’s aspire to live fully, immersed in this moment; riddled with awareness and overflowing with hope for the year(s) that lay ahead of us.
Here’s hoping 2011 brings you greater joy than you’ve ever known! Happy New Year!
-Much Love.

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